Applications of Holography For BTech Engineering Physics

Applications of Holography For BTech Engineering Physics:

Holography is not only used to make three-dimensional pictures and it does not confine itself to the visible spectrum. Microwaves are used to detect objects through otherwise impenetrable barriers. X-rays and ultraviolet light are used to detect particles smaller than than visible light. This is how holography was discovered. Dr. Dennis Gabor is recognized as the inventor of holography when he used it to aid in his electron microscopy in 1947.

Holography is also used to detect stress in materials. A stressed material will deform, sometimes so minutely that it is not visible. A hologram can amplify this change since the light reflected off of the material will now be at a different angle than it was initially. A Comparison between the before and after holograms can determine where the greatest stress is.

In Europe telephone credit cards use holograms to record the amount of remaining credit. Fighter pilots use holographic displays of their instruments so they can keep looking straight up. Museums keep archival records in holograms.

One of the best uses for holography is candy. The candy’s surface is etched into tiny prism-like ridges that display 3-D images in brilliant iridescent colors.

Holography has even tried to make it into the movie business.

Here is an illustration of how a holographic film might be recorded. It is actually called a ‘Lip Synchronous 3-D Movie.’ But I have yet to see an affordable version available.

Lastly, holography is used in a new kind of computer, an optical computer. Optical computers really are not so new in concept but they are far from perfected and are constantly changing with new technology. They are also far from commercially viable, though they say only in a few more years.

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