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Resolving Power of Grating

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Rayleigh Criterion

The Rayleigh Criterion: The Rayleigh Criterion specifies the minimum separation between two light sources that may be resolved into distinct objects. The Rayleigh criterion is the criterion for the minimum…

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Dispersive Power

Definition: Dispersive power is defined as the power of a transparent medium to separate different colors of light by refraction as measured by the difference in refractivity for two specified…

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Grating Spectrum

Grating Spectrum: The diffraction pattern formed with a grating is known as a grating spectrum. A diffraction grating is an optical component with a periodic structure, which splits and diffracts…

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Diffraction Grating

What Is Diffraction Grating ? A diffraction grating is made by making many parallel scratches on the surface of a flat piece of some transparent material. A diffraction grating disperses…

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Multiple Slit Diffraction for Engineering Physics B.Tech 1st Year

What is Diffraction? Diffraction is when waves like light or sound spread out as they move around an object or through a slit. When light passes through each of the…

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Double Silt Diffraction for Engineering Physics B.Tech 1st Year

what is diffraction? Diffraction is when waves like light or sound spread out as they move around an object or through a slit. When light passes through each of the…

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Diffraction Pattern from Single Slit Engineering Physics

Diffraction from a single slit gives a characteristic pattern. It also complicates the pattern from Young’s experiment. Here we use phasor addition to derive the intensity as a function of…

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What is Diffraction of Light for Engineering Physics B.tech 1st Year

What is Diffraction of Light? Diffraction is the slight bending of light as it passes around the edge of an object. The amount of bending depends on the relative size…

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