Biodegradable Polymers and Types of Biodegradable Polymers Notes pdf ppt

Biodegradable Polymers: ‘‘Biodegradable’’ means ‘‘capable of undergoing decomposition into carbon dioxide, methane, water, inorganic compounds, and biomass’’. Every polymer is degradable. They degrade in mass, strength and molecular weight with…

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Introduction and Applications of conducting polymers Notes pdf ppt

Introduction: Organic polymers are normally insulators, it can be presumed that conducting polymers must have an unusual structure. Polymers with conjugated π-electron (i. e. system have C=C conjugated bonds) backbones…

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Synthetic Fibres Notes pdf ppt

Synthetic Fibres: Synthetic fibers are a subset of the larger area of textiles. Textiles can be natural or synthetic. Natural fibers include cotton, fur, wool, etc. Regenerated fibers are natural…

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Synthetic Fibres and Types of Synthetic Fibres Notes pdf ppt

Synthetic Fibres: Synthetic fibers are a subset of the larger area of textiles. Textiles can be natural or synthetic. Natural fibers include cotton, fur, wool, etc. Regenerated fibers are natural…

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