Accreditation | मान्यता

Accreditation | मान्यता Accreditation Accreditation in supply chain management refers to the formal recognition or certification given to suppliers, manufacturers, or organizations based on their ability to meet specific industry…

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Accounts Receivable (A/R) | खाता पावती

Accounts Receivable (A/R) | खाता पावती Accounts Receivable (A/R) Accounts Receivable (A/R) refers to the money owed to a business by its customers for goods or services delivered but not…

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Accounts Payable (A/P) | खातों का भुगतान

Accounts Payable (A/P) | खातों का भुगतान (A/P) Accounts Payable (A/P) Accounts Payable refers to the outstanding payments that a company owes to its suppliers or creditors for goods or…

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Accountability | उत्तरदायित्व/ जवाबदेही

Accountability | उत्तरदायित्व/ जवाबदेही Accountability Accountability in supply chain management refers to the responsibility that organizations and individuals take for their actions and decisions within the supply chain process. It…

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Accessory | सहायक उपकरण

Accessory | सहायक उपकरण Accessory In supply chain management, an accessory refers to additional items or components that are not critical to the primary function of a product but enhance…

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Accessorial Charges | सहायक शुल्क

Accessorial Charges | सहायक शुल्क Accessorial Charges Accessorial charges refer to additional fees that are charged by carriers for services beyond the standard transportation charges. These services may include but are…

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Accessibility | सहजगम्‍यता

Accessibility | सहजगम्‍यता Accessibility Accessibility in supply chain refers to the ability of all stakeholders, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers, to have easy access to the goods, services, and…

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Acceptance Sampling | स्वीकृति नमूना परीक्षण

Acceptance Sampling | स्वीकृति नमूना परीक्षण Acceptance Sampling Acceptance Sampling is a statistical quality control method used to determine whether a batch of products or materials meets the specified quality…

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Acceptance Number | स्वीकृति संख्या

Acceptance Number | स्वीकृति संख्या Acceptance Number The Acceptance Number in supply chain management refers to the maximum number of defective items allowed in a sample before a lot is…

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Acceptable Sampling Plan | स्वीकृत नमूना योजना

Acceptable Sampling Plan An Acceptable Sampling Plan is a quality control method used to determine whether a batch of products meets the required specifications. In this plan, a sample of…

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