

The synchronization and integration of activities, responsibilities, and command and control structures to ensure that the resources of an organization are used most efficiently in pursuit of the specified objectives. Along with organizing, monitoring, and controlling, coordinating is one of the key functions of management.

The need for co-ordination arises due to the following:

1. In every organization, the nature of work is such that it requires to be divided into homogeneous and specialized sub-tasks and then without Integration and co-ordination the output of the organization will be nil.

2. Co-ordination applies to group effort rather than to individual effort. It gives importance to unity of effort and united action. The outcome of coordinated group efforts will be much better than the sum results of various individuals.

3. Coordination motivates the employees to consider their work from the point of view of business and so the employees will willingly contribute towards the success of the concern. Therefore, coordination is heartbeat of organization which brings integration of efforts and action among employees in the organization.

3. Coordination ensures commitment on the part of divisions, groups, individuals toward organizational goals.

4. Coordination ensures efficiency and economy in the organization, enterprise to ensure smooth working. It also helps in saving of time by bringing efficiency and economy to the enterprise.

5. There may arise certain circumstances that may demand sacrifice of objective of one department in the welfare of the enterprise as a whole. In such situation, the need for co-ordination arises.

Features/Nature of Coordination:

  • Group effort:
  • Unity of action:
  • Common goal:
  • Continuous process:
  • Managerial responsibility:
  • Essence of management:
  • Synthesis of efforts:

Limitations of Coordination in Management

Now, that you understand the importance of coordination in management, you also need to note that in practice, coordination faces some problems. Here are the limitations of coordination in management:

  • Lack of Administrative Talent – While hiring employees, it is possible that some inefficient candidates get selected who do not understand the administrative procedures properly. This can result in ineffective coordination.
  • Misunderstanding – In a large organization, hundreds of employees work together and interact on a daily basis. Ideally, they must have a mutual understanding and work as a team. However, in many cases, misunderstandings creep in between employees which creates a problem in coordination.

Coordination alone can ensure ‘plus value’ of a group, i.e., it can ensure that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts “.


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